same day service
Kevin Rice constable is a trustworthy and professional bonded constable service with years of experience. Providing all of your civil and criminal processing needs. Proudly serving Leominster, Fitchburg, and Lunenburg Massachusetts. Many processes served statewide.
Eperienced Constable Services

- All summons and complaints
Not to exceed the Ad Damnum - Supplementary Process in any amount
- Small Claim Notices & Notices to Show Cause
- All process under G.L. Chapter 239
- Summary Process, Ejectments, etc.
- Writs and Trustee Process
- Real Estate Attachments
Not to exceed the Statue Amount - Executions
- Capias in any amount
- Notices and Demands of all kinds
- Probate Court Process
and Domestic Relations including Capias - Subpoenas: Criminal, Civil and Federal
- Certain Writs & Papers from District, Superior, Supreme Judicial and United States District Courts
- Summons and Complaints for Divorce
- Probate Process and Capias
- Subpoenas: Criminal , Civil & Federal
- Federal Processes of all kinds
- Notices and Demands of all kinds